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Bibliografía usada en este Blog (no incluye Internet)

Además de la bibliografía utilizada en este blog, aquí se incluye igualmente otra bibliografía de interés para estudios sobre la materia de los eslavos del sur:

[ABC] A B C, Datos sobre Yugoslavia, Grafički zavod Hrvatske y NIP BORBA, revista Revija, para el Secretariado Federal de Información, Zagreb, 1966

[All00] ALLCOCK, John B., Explaining Yugoslavia, Ed. London, New York, 2000

[And] ANDRIĆ, Ivo, Na Drini ćuprija, Slovo Ljubve, Biblioteca Nobelove nagrade, Beograd, 1978

[Ast1] AST, Slobodanka, ”Gazimestan 1989 – mesto gde su najavljene bitke (Deset godina Slobodana Miloševića u deset slika)”, revista Vreme, No. 454, 18 de septiembre 1999

[Ast2] AST, Slobodanka, ”Izbori 1990: ”Biće rata, bogami”, (Deset Miloševićevih godina u deset slika)”, revista Vreme, No. 455, 25 de septiembre 1999

[Bid98] BIDELEUX, Robert et JEFFRIES, Ian, A history of Eastern Europe. Crisis and Change, Ed. London, New York, 1998

[Bog05] BOGDANOVIC, I., Els Balcans, Ed. UOC, Barcelona, 2005

[Bon98] BONAMUSA, F., Pueblos y naciones en los Balcanes : siglos XIX y XX : entre la media luna y la estrella roja, Ed. Síntesis, Madrid, 1998

[Br99] BRAUDEL, F., La historia y las ciencias sociales, Alianza Editorial. 10ª reimpresión. Madrid, 1999

[Bro06] BROCK, Peter, Media Cleansing: Dirty Reporting. Journalism and Tragedy in Yugoslavia, 2nd Edition, GM-Books, Los Angeles, 2006

[Cab05] CABO de, I., Turquía, Grecia y Chipre : historia del Mediterráneo oriental, Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, Bacelona, 2005

[Cas91] CASTELLAN, Georges, Histoire des Balkans (XVe-XXe siécle), Paris, 1991

[Chu64] CHURCHILL, Winston S., The Second World War, Vol. VI, Triumph and Tragedy, Cassell&Co. Ltd. London, 2nd Edition, 1964 versión Čerčil, V.S. Drugi Svetski Rat, tom VI, Triumf i tragedija, prev. Svetomir Nikolajević. Ed. Prosveta, Beograd, 1972

[Clo98] CLOGG, Richard, Historia de Grecia, Ed. Cambridge University Press, USA, 1998

[Con69] Constitución de la República Socialista Federativa de Yugoslavia y Enmiendas Constitucionales, Secretaría de Información del Consejo Ejecutivo Federal, Ed. Prosveta, Novi Sad, 1969

[Cor41] Ćorović, Vladimir, Istorija srpskog naroda, Ed. Glas srpski-Banja Luka y Ars Libri, Belgrado, 1997

[Crnj] CRNJANSKI, M., Migraciones, Ed. Tusquets, Barcelona, 1986

[Cro93] CROUCHER, Murlin (Ed.), Slavic studies. A guide to bibliographies, encyclopedias and handbooks, 2da edición, Wilmington, Del. 1993

[Ded74] DEDIJER, Vladimir, BOŠIĆ, Ivan, ČIRKOVIĆ, Sima, EKEMČIĆ, Milorad, History of Yugoslavia, New York, 1974

[DG] De GAULLE, Charles, Mémoires de Guerre, III tomos, Librairie Plon, Paris, France, 1954, versión De Gol, Šarl. Ratni memoari. III toma, prev. Ljubica Vuković, Prosveta – Beograd, Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1968

[Den95] DENITCH, B., Nacionalismo y etnicidad. La trágica muerte de Yugoslavia, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, México, D.F., 1995

[Dji71] DJILAS, M., Autogestión, Colección Popular del Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 1971

[Dji57] DJILAS, Milovan, The New Class. An Analysis of the Communist System, 2nd Edition, Ed. First Harvest/HBJ, USA, 1983

[Dju61] DJURIĆ, V., Antologija narodnih junačkih pesama, 2a ed. Srpska književna zadruga, Beograd, 1961

[Dju95] ----------------, Antologija narodnih pripovedaka, 3ª ed. Srpska književna zadruga, Beograd, 1995

[EpNi] Episkop NIKOLAJ, Vera Svetih, Pravoslavna Narodna Xrišćanska Zajednica, Šabac, 1998

[For15] FORBES, NEVILL, TOYNBEE, ARNOLD J., MITRANY, DAVID y HOGARTH G., A history of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Rumania, Turkey, Ed. Oxford, 1915 (re-impreso en nueva York, 1970)

[G17plus] Grupa 17 Plus, "Bela knjiga Miloševićeve vladavine", G17Plus, Beograd, YU, Julio de 2000

[Gil02] GILLY, Adolfo, El siglo del relámpago. Siete Ensayos sobre el siglo XX, La Jornada Ediciones, México, 2002

[Gle00] GLENNY, Misha, The Balkans 1804-1999, Nationalism, War, and the Great Powers. New York, 2000

[GoMa] GOLUBOVIĆ, D. et MALENKOVIĆ, D., Kremansko proročanstvo, V edición, Knjižarsko preduzeće Bata, korektura BIGZ-a, Beograd, 1989

[HMap] Historical Maps on File, USA, Ed. Facts on File, Martin Greenwald Associates, 1989

[Hob01] HOBSBAWM, Eric J., Historia del siglo XX, Ed. Crítica, Barcelona, 2001

[Hob05] HOBSBAWM, Eric J., Nations and Nationalism since 1780. Programme, Myth, Reality, 12a Edición, Ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005

[Hoc02] HÖSCH, Edgar, Geschichte der Balkan-Länder. Von der Frühzeit bis zur Gegenwart. 4a edición, Ed. Verlag C. H. Beck, Munich, 2002

[Hor69] HORECKY, Paul L. (Ed.), Southeastern Europe. A guide to basic publications. Chicago, London, 1969

[Hor90] HORTON, John J., Yugoslavia. Revised and expanded edition, Vol. I de la World Bibliographical Series. Oxford and Sta. Barbara, Calif., 1990

[Jel65] JELAVIĆ, Charles y Barbara, The Balkans, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1965

[Jel83] JELAVIĆ, B., A History of the Balkans. Vol. I: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries; Vol. II: Twentieth Century, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983

[Jes86] JESSUP, John E., Balkan military history: a bibliography. New York u. a. 1986

[Jov67] JOVANOVIĆ, Aleksandar, Yugoslavia en la Segunda Guerra mundial, Medjunarodna política. Belgrado, 1967

[Jov69] -----------------, Sistema sociopolítico de Yugoslavia, Medjunarodna política, Belgrado, 1969

[Klj93] KLJAKIĆ, Lj., Oslobadjanje istorije. Prva knjiga: početak puta, Arhiv Kljakić, Belgrado, 1993

[Lek95] LEKIĆ, Darinka, Beograd za sva vremena, Nauka, Beograd, 1995

[Maz01] MAZOWER, Mark, Los Balcanes, trad. Jordi Beltrán Ferrer, Ed. Grijalbo Mondadori, Barcelona, 2001

[MKr95] MIHAILOVIĆ, Kosta et KRESTIĆ, Vasilije, Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Answers to Criticisms, SANU, Beograd, 1995

[Mil94] Novi ustavi na tlu bivše Jugoslavije, editor mr. Branislav Milinković, Eds. Medjunarodna Politika, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Belgrado, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Belgrado, Beograd, 1994

[Mil00] MILOSEVICH, Mira, Los tristes y los héroes. Historias de nacionalistas serbios, Ed. Espasa Calpe, S.A., Madrid, 2000

[Pa96] PALAU, Josep, El Espejismo Yugoslavo, Ediciones Del Bronce, Barcelona, 1996

[Pav99] PAVLOWITCH, S., A History of the Balkans 1804-1945, Ed. Longman, London, UK, 1999

[Pav02] ------------------, Serbia : the history behind the name, Ed. Hurst, London, UK, 2002

[Rep84] Répertoire d'Etudes balkaniques. 1966-1975. Tomo I: Histoire des peuples balkaniques (XVe siécle-1945). Tomo II: Histoire de la culture des peuples balkaniques. Sofija 1983-1984

[Sime07] SIMEUNOVIĆ, Dragan, Serbian Collective Guilt (Serbs and the tradition of collective guilt), Ed. Nolit, Belgrado, 2007

Ć, Dunja y Ljubodrag, A New World is Possible, trad. del serbio al inglés por Vesna Todorović, publicado por los autores, Belgrado, 2007

[Sun93] SUNDHAUSSEN, Holm, Experiment Jugoslawien. Von der Staatsgründung bis zum Staatszerfall, Mannheim u. a., 1993

[Sv37] Sveznanje. Opšti enciklopedijski leksikon. Narodno delo, Institut za nacionalni publicitet u Beogradu, ”Tipografija” d.d., Zagreb, 1937

[Tam04] TAMCKE, Martin, Das Orthodoxe Christendum, Ed. C.H. Beck, Munich, 2004

[Tri99] TRIFUNOVSKA, Snežana (Ed.), Yugoslavia through Documents. From its creation to its dissolution. Dordrecht u. a., 1994

[Ust88] Ustav Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije i amandmani na ustav SFRJ (važeće odredbe) sa ustavnim zakonima za sprovodjenje ustava i amandmana i do XLVII na ustav SFRJ, NIRO ”Privredni pregled”, Beograd, 1988

[Vei02] VEIGA, Francisco, La trampa balcánica, Ed. Grijalbo, Barcelona, 2002

[Vei06] ----------------- , El Turco : diez siglos a las puertas de Europa, Ed. Debate, Barcelona, 2006

[Wal96] WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel, Después del liberalismo, Siglo XXI editores y UNAM, México, 1996